8 Amazingly Themed Cafes in Manila that You Should Visit
(Milyka Laxa/ Aug 6, 2019)
Good food and adventure always remove the stress that has piled up throughout the week. If you want to explore aesthetically pleasing cafes that serve tasty treats, we got you! We listed 8 awesome cafes within the Metro that are worth your while for your next de-stressing sesh!
Alice Tea Salon
If you’re a fan of the classic Alice in Wonderland, then we are happy to bring you the news that you can wander in the Wonderlands of Alice tea salon! Living up to its theme, they also serve wonderful pastries, cakes, tea lattes, frappes and more! Your pick!
Location: The Pearl Place Pasig

Opening Hours: Monday – Sunday | 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Stories by LilyPad
Home themed done right, this café strives to portray a homey, relaxed and artistically inspiring ambiance. The store is wrapped with warm colors that further brings home seem closer to us. A warm place with warm food, indeed!
Location: 46 Times St., West Triangle Quezon City, Philippines

Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday | 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Sakura Hanami
If you love cherry blossoms, japan and tea, this is the place designed for you! Not just that, Sakura Hanami offers both cold and hot teas, using the finest edible flowers from the best flush of gardens. Excited yet? Here are some cherry good photos!
Location:168 Maginhawa, Diliman, Lungsod Quezon, 1100 Kalakhang Maynila

Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday | 10:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Hello Kitty Cafe
As the store name suggest, the café is hello kitty inspired. It has surely brought the home of the fictional cartoon alive, with pretty pastels lathered on the walls and cute kitty prints on the furniture. This café lives up to its name and P.S., don’t miss out the adorable food presentation!
Location: Uptown mall, 3rd floor, 36th St, Taguig, Metro Manila

Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday | 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Caffera Photo + Café
If you love taking pictures or a general love for photography, photos and good food, then you might want to visit this chic shop. You should stop wondering what a camera lens look like as a mug, coz’ they have it there!
Location: 480 Boni Avenue, Barangay New Zaniga Mandaluyong

Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday | 10:00 AM - 11:00 PM
Filling Station Bar And Café
Bar and café inspired by the 50’s, not only the titos and titas enjoy this shop but also the millennials! The vibrant retro light brightens the checkered tiles and vintage posters on the wall, creating a balanced and unique sense of style, and not just that, they also offer wide variety of food to enjoy!
Location: 5012 P Burgos, Makati, 1210 Metro Manila

Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday | 24 HOURS
Flossom Kitchen + Café
Green plants and fresh flowers will always take your fatigue away; if you’re specifically looking for a place to recharge or to have a “me time” then this shop is a great choice – especially if this hidden garden offers you not just the aesthetic but the taste too.
Location: N. Averilla, San Juan City, Manila, Philippines

Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday | 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Plane Bistro Café
Welcome aboard to the airplane-themed café! You can now enjoy food in a plane without having to leave the land! The designs on the wall, the airplane seats, and over-all ambiance just makes you want to hop on a plane and travel your way!
Location: España blvd. Cor. Kundiman st., Sampaloc, Manila

Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday | 1:30 PM - 9:30 PM
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